
ISO 9001 - Quality Certification

Sales, Design, Manufacture and Services of Hydraulic Components and systems as well as Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems for Mobile and Industrial Applications.

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

Sales, Design, Manufacture and services of hydraulic components and systems as well as Electro-Hydraulic Control System for Mobile and Industrial Applications has established and applies an Environmental Management System. An audit was performed and has furnished proof that the requirements according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 are fulfilled.

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Sales, Design, Manufacture and services of hydraulic components and systems as well as Electro-Hydraulic Control System for Mobile and Industrial Applications has established and applies an occupational Health and Safety Management System. An audit was performed and has furnished proof that the requirements according to DIN ISO 45001:2018 are fulfilled.

ISO 9001

所有四个 HydraForce 制造地点都拥有 ISO 9001 的劳埃德注册认证证书。PDF 包含所有四个证书。

ISO 13849

HydraForce 的插装阀设计用于 遵守基本安全原则 ISO13849 附件 C 第 2 部分 - 机械安全 - 控制系统的安全相关部件。

ISO 14001

英国和中国海德福斯的地理位置已获劳埃德注册QA认证,符合ISO 14001:2015标准。

ISO 45001:2018

Hydraforce 液压有限公司, 250 阿斯顿霍尔路, 伯明翰, B6 7FE, 英国 经劳埃德注册QA认证至ISO 45001:2018。

HydraForce 质量、环境、健康和安全公司政策

我们的业务管理系统的范围在我们的 ISO 9001 证书上定义: 为移动和工业设备市场设计和制造液压插装阀、定制液压集成块系统和电液压控制系统。查看完整的策略:

低压声明 - CE 机械指令

HydraForce 组件符合低电压和电磁兼容性 (EMC) 欧洲指令 - 机械指令 (89/392/EEC,经 91/368/EEC 修订), 93/44/EEC 和 93/68/EEC 以及机械供应 2006/42/EC 和 EMC 指令 2014/30/EU),并带有 CE 标记、参考:- 机械、低压和电磁 兼容性欧洲指令。


HydraForce支持结束从刚果民主共和国东部称为"冲突区"的地点开采某些矿物(金、锡、钛、钨、锡石、山石、山石和狼铁矿)的暴力和侵犯人权行为。HydraForce 在制造我们的阀门或歧管产品时不使用参考材料。

UL 认证

HydraForce 产品通过保险商实验室 (UL) 标准 YCFT2 认证。AU2326 工业卡车配件,电池供电 - 组件。PDF 提供产品列表。

线圈 - 符合性声明

HydraForce 线圈符合以下标准和指令:2014/35/EU - 电气设备电压限制指令;2014/30/EU EMC 指令;EN 61000-6-4 工业环境通用排放;EN 61000-6-2 工业环境通用抗扰。

RVD50-20P 认证

RVD50-20P 安全阀通过压力设备指令 (PED) 认证。PDF 包括此高压阀产品的多项认证。