The HPE42-S62 is a high pressure, screw-in, cartridge-style, pilot-operated, proportional, spool-type, hydraulic directional valve.
In neutral position (unpiloted) the valve allows flow between ports 2 and 3 and between ports 4 and 5 bidirectionally. On remote pilot signal at port 1 the spool shifts proportionally to the applied pilot pressure to gradually close flow paths until spool is fully shifted blocking all ports. The spring chamber is vented to port 6. Pressure at port 6 will directly (1:1) affect the pilot pressure required and must be added to bias spring value.
- Hardened spool and cage for long life.
- All HyPerformance products are tested to the rigorous standards of the NFPA specification T2.6.1.
- All HyPerformance valves are tested at a verification level of 90% and an assurance of 99%.