Our mission is to simultaneously create value for all stakeholders by delivering best in class motion control solutions. Our values and principles are incorporated within this code and is a condition of doing business with HydraForce. We require our suppliers to communicate our values and principles to their employees and their own suppliers. We view our suppliers as extensions of our company and look for suppliers who demonstrate strong values and commit to ethical principles.HydraForce suppliers must comply with the laws, rules and regulations, and HydraForce policies of the countries and location in which they operate. Suppliers are expected to be familiar with the business practices of their suppliers and subcontractors, and ensure they operate according to the code of conduct. This code applies to all businesses that provide products or services for HydraForce and its subsidiaries, joint ventures, divisions, or affiliates. HydraForce may discontinue its relationship with suppliers who fail to comply with this code.





Human Dignity

Child Labor

Suppliers and its associates are expected to comply with all local laws applicable to minimum age of employees. In the absence of local law, suppliers may not employ workers under the age of 14.


Forced Labor

Suppliers and its associates shall not be subject to any form of force, prison, compulsory, bonded, or indentured labor.



Supplier’s workplace shall be free of any form of harsh or inhumane treatment.Disciplinary policies and procedures shall be clearly defined and communicated to all workers, and shall not include any inhumane disciplinary measure, including any corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse of workers; nor shall they include sanctions that result in wage deductions, reductions in benefits, or compulsory labour.

The use or threat of physical or sexual violence, harassment and intimidation against a worker, his or her family, or close associates, is strictly prohibited.

All suppliers’ workers and its associates, irrespective of their nationality or legal status, shall be treated fairly and equally.

Suppliers must provide an environment that allows employees to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.


Compensation and Working Hours

Suppliers and its associates will ensure that they comply with applicable wage and hour labor laws and regulations governing employee compensation and working hours. Operations should be conducted in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures a humane and productive work environment.


Health and Safety

HydraForce expects that the occupational health and safety of employees is a priority for the supplier throughout all significant aspects of its activities. As a minimum, the suppliers must comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations and standards. The supplier shall take appropriate action, such as policies, standards, procedures, legalisation, contingency measures and management systems, in order to prevent occupational illnesses and work-related accidents and to provide a safe and healthy workplace to its employees.



HydraForce conducts its operations in a sustainable way and in compliance with the environmental laws and regulations. HydraForce expects that environmental protection is a priority for the supplier in all significant aspects of its activities. As a minimum, the supplier must comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards. The supplier must strive to reduce the impacts of its activities and products on the environment and work towards a “life-cycle thinking” view in product design, while maintaining its competitiveness.

The supplier shall adopt any appropriate policy, standard, procedure, contingency measure and management system in order to ensure that its operations are managed environmentally and in a sustainable way; where required take necessary measures in order to prevent pollution, to conserve and use rationally the natural resources required for its operations and implement relevant emergency response plans and procedures.


Gifts, Gratuities and Improper Payments

Suppliers and its associates should ensure that they strictly prohibit bribery or other improper payments in any of its business operations. This prohibition applies to all business activities, anywhere in the world, whether they involve
government officials or are wholly commercial. A bribe or other improper payment to secure a business advantage is never acceptable and can expose individuals and HydraForce to possible criminal prosecution, reputational harm or other serious consequences. HydraForce conducts its business affairs fairly and impartially in an ethical and proper manner. Business decisions made by employees of HydraForce are made on the basis of quality, service, price and similar competitive factors. HydraForce will not condone or tolerate the offering, making or authorizing of any payment or thing of value to an individual to secure an improper advantage.


Confidential Information

All of HydraForce suppliers and associates should ensure proper management of information obtained in the performance of work, preventing misuse, informal discussion or disclosing of such information to unauthorized persons and refrain from, with knowledge, making false or improper records. Any transfer of confidential information must be executed in a way that secures and protects the intellectual property rights of HydraForce and its suppliers.

HydraForce suppliers can expect to similarly safeguard their confidential information when authorization is provided. Suppliers may not use the HydraForce trademark, images, or other materials that HydraForce owns the copyright, unless explicitly authorized.


Compliance and Transparency

HydraForce suppliers and associates will comply with the law of each country and region inclusive for compliance with competition
and export laws in each country or region.

Maintenance of documentation to support compliance to HydraForce’s Supplier Code of Conduct is essential and will allow HydraForce the right to inspect and/or monitor. HydraForce reserves the right to request documentation, conduct onsite audits, review and approve corrective action plans, and verify



Contact Information:

Any supplier may direct questions or comments about this code of conduct to his/her Supply representative.

Non-Compliance/Misconduct Reporting Violations of the HydraForce Supplier Code of Conduct can be reported confidentially by submitting the below form: